
Taco Soup

This recipe is super easy and really good.


1 lb ground beef, browned and drained
1 onion, chopped with your vidalia chopper (go get one if you don't have one!)
1 qt tomatoes - If you have fresh tomatoes, toss them in a blender, skins on and all. If not, you can use 1 qt tomato juice and 2 c. tomato sauce. (I used fresh tomatoes from my parents garden and probably used closer to a quart and a half of blended tomatoes. We like leftovers around here so I wanted to make it go far. The soup was still really thick and chunky. I could have done even more tomatoes.)
1 package taco seasoning
1 can red kidney beans
2 cups frozen corn
(I added a little garlic salt just for fun)

Add all ingredients into a pot. Simmer for 30 minutes.

Serve with sour cream, cheese, and chips.